Friday 15 October 2010

Audit Of NME Magazine

NME Magazine.

Pg 1. Advert (Cinema)
Pg 2. Content page.
Pg 3. Double page spread of Converse advert.
Pg 4. On Repeat Feature.
Pg 5. Advert for beer (Beck's Blue)
Pg 6. Upfront feature (Double page spread)
Pg 7. Upfront Feature (Double page spread)
Pg 8. Upfront Feature (Double page spread)
Pg 9. Snickers Advert.
Pg 10. Radar Feature.
Pg 11. Hmv Advert.
Pg 12. Radar feature.
Pg 13. Mumford and sons feature. (double page spread)
Pg 14. Mumford and sons feature (double page spread)
Pg 15. Mumford and sons feature.
Pg 16. Whiskey advert.
Pg 17. Sophie heawood Interview. (Double page spread)
Pg 18. The wombats feature (Double page spread)
Pg 19. Xbox advert

Pg 20. The wombats feature.
Pg 21. Darwin Deez Interview (Double page spread)
Pg 22. Hmv Advert and The Nme iphone app advert.
Pg 23. NME icons Bob Dylan
Pg 24. NME icons Bob Dylan (Double page spread)
Pg 25. NME icons Bob Dylan 
Pg 26. Reviews feature
Pg 27. Reviews feature (Double page spread)
Pg 28. Reviews feature (Double page spread)
Pg 29. Live feature (Double page spread)
Pg 30. NME advert. 
Pg 31. Live feature. 
Pg 32. Oxjam Advert and NME Advert
Page 48 & 49. On The Road With... Feature
Pages 50 - 56. Various Adverts
Page 57, 58, 59, 60 & 61. Gig Guide
Page 62. This day back then.. Feature
Page 63. Crosswords & puzzles
Page 64. & 65 Fanmail Feature
Page 66. The Aftershow
Inside Back Orange Mobile Phone (Advert)
Outside Back Film (Advert)

Audience Research

To find out what our target audience for a school magazine want for an brillant and successful magazine, I interviewed a range of people who will have different opinions and views about what they want in there school magzine. The audience that I interviewed were, students from different age groups (Years 7,8,9,10 and 11), Serior leadership team, School staff, headteacher, community and various teaching staff. All the information that I reviced will be very useful in creating my school magazine and hopefully the outcome will be successful for my audience to willingly and blissfully read.

First I interview the serior leadership team, I asked them a series of relvent questions to the topic. They agreed that the school will benefit with a school magazine only with it being informal and brain active at the same time and they feel that it will promote our school to have a good image. They said it should include success all the way through the magazine, upcoming events that are happening inside and outside school, puzzles, jokes, gossip, interviews with teachers and lastly news about the school and the schools and students success. I asked how often they would like to revice a school magazine and they repiled that they would want it every term as its not to often yet not long periods without revicing one. They also added at the end of the interview that they would love to see a magazine that looks prefessional and that its something that students and others that are receiving it look forward into the getting every half term.

Next I moved on to interviewing the students, where I started with the year 7's. 80% of year 7's students that I asked said that they would want a school magazine. They would want the magazine to be less formal and with more pictures than writing. They would like some news about the school but only things that they as students will be interested in but other than that they would want information about music and gossip and maybe even a free gift included.

I then interviewed the year 8's about what they would want for a school magzine. There answers were for the magazine to have a lot of photos and colours in it, for it to have puzzles and humour. Also all different competitions for students as well as teachers to compete and the prize to be good and something that is worth taking part for. They aslo want interviews and voting poles and mostly they want the magazine to be truthworthy.

The year 9's were next and reponse I got back was very postive and helpful. They said that they would enjoy it if there was a page that had pictures of teachers outside of school doing shopping for example, like what they do in real magazines take pictures of celebrities doing everyday tasks. They would perfer it if it was colourful and constance theme throughout and with every magazine. They said they that would rather it be called a magazine not a newspaper and for it not to have many pictures. They also believe that they should be allowed to be involved in producing the magazine which I feel is a good idea because if it is written in some aspects by the students they can relate it more to the audience as they are it as well.

The year 10's would like a magazine that is humerous, has comic strips, talks about sporting events and school trips that have happened. Also they would prefer it if it was written by other students.

The year 11's when I interviewed them about creating a magazine for their school they thought it would be a good idea but it shouldnt be an excuse to have ago at pupils. They would like it if it was to have current issues that are happening to do with the school, puzzle games, digs at teachers and for it to be colourful and of course lots of gossip.

Next I interviewed the Headteacher. I first questioned him about what he would like to see in a magazine and his reponse was that it has to have a catchy name, includes currents events in school, information about help groups, to be very informal and have two sections, fun and serious. I asked him why there hasnt be one in the past and he replied that there hasnt been one in the past because of time but would love to have one for the school for everyone inside and outside of school to read. I aslo asked why are most school magazines boring and he said that writers don't understand their readers.

Next I interviewed the community such as parents, local shops and local residents. There views on the school having a school magazine was for it to have puzzels, games and horiscopes in there. Also current events, a problem page, competions and for it not to be too informal as it will not appeal to the target audience.

Lastly I interviewed a member of  staff who was Ms Steward, her reponse to having a school magazine was for it to have interviews with different and interesting staff, for the magazine to be branded like perfessinal mag's, for it be well written and for all ages to understand and lastly there to be a sport section in there.

Monday 11 October 2010

Different Audiences.

Every magazine has an target audience. There are many types of audiences such as males, females, children, teenages, adults, people who like music, people who like polictics etc.

The Hot Issue” is trying to make the magazine seem more individual from the other issues they have released. Obviously Empire is very popular with movie addicts but the fact that it’s “The Hot Issue” makes the magazine sound more improved than usual, which could attract a new audience. For example younger males. Megan Fox on the front reflects on this quote because she is seen as being “hot” to a wide male audience. This Quote could attract women to read this magazine because they might wonder why she is the “Most wanted girl in Hollywood”.

Most music magzines are aimed for ages between 16 and 26 as this is young target group and mostly listen to chart music and as a survery has been carried out the results show that this range of target audience are most interested in music therefore are most likely to buy a music magazine such as NME.

Top of the pops magazine is mostly aimed for girls at the age of about 11, who are becoming in to the real world of relationships, love and caring about their apperances etc of most woman. As this magazine provides all of the stuff that a girl at that age might be interested in. Also the front cover gives of that appeal that it is for that age group and you would rarely see a boy or a 16 old girl buy this sort of magazine.

Sunday 3 October 2010


I have produced a school magazine as my preliminary task for A-level media studies.
Firstly I researched other school magazines to examine the way in which they are presented, such as texts, layouts, language, pictures and pages in the magazine. Doing this research helped me massively to produce and create my school magazine as I was able to get a varitey of idea's in the way a good, successful school magazine is developed and produced. 
The Conventions that I have observed in the terms of the design and the use of imagery is that every school magazine is designed and text languaged to the right target audience, meaning the fonts and the lauguage is appropiate and suitable for the target audience.
The use of imagery that is mostly used in a school magazine is pictures of either students, teachers, students school work and the school building itself. Most magazines have also made sure the focus and angle in the every photo looks perfessional and good. Also that they use photo's as their backgrounds in the magazines which gives an attractive appearence. All of this is what I wanted to achieve in my magazine, thats why I set out to include all the research I did in my magazine to produce an outstanding piece of work to the best of my ability.
Mt target audience for a school magazine are students and staff that attend or work at the school, parents of the students and the commuity of where the school is located such as local shops. Also the goverment of the brough and school will be interested as well. From knowing who my target audience are, I have to remember to include items and information that will attract the varity of taget audiences that I have.
I attracted my audience by including relevant and interesting things that will appeal to everyone, therefore every different target audience has a section in the magazine that will most appeal and suitable for them. For example I have a page which is based on puzzles and games as this will appeal to most of the students, whereas I have aslo created an issue and information page which more intensionally staff and parents will be attracted to.
I have also made sure that I havent made the layour and design of the magazine to formal and boring but yet havent made it too childish.
While creating this media product, i have learnt how to use a different range of sofwares to design and create your final piece. I have learnt to experment with new tools on the computers softwares such as editing photo's, layouts and texts and adding effects aswell. I have always been computer litural and very creative with my design work but I feel that experiencing different softwares has increased my level of knowlegde about design work and techolongy you may use.
Having created a school magazine for my preliminary task, I have learnt the basics and the knowlegde of how to create a magazine using computer software, digital camera's and my own creative mind. I feel that I could managed the time and deadlines alot better in this task as I was a bit behide of some of the tasks that needed to be completed but with determination and effort I was able to complete the preliminary task and to the best of my ability. Therefore this has helped me to manage my time skills and be more oraganised in creating my final piece which a music magazine.
By looking at the pervious classes blogs and magazine, this helped me to see how they created and produced their own school magazine. For example how the layout was, the use of pictures and words that they included and if they produced it to the best of their ability. From looking at the other peoples work it made me realize that I should include a title as currently I just have the school name as the title and then the slogan underneath. I feel that having a title will capture the audience more and make them know the magazine more.