Friday 17 December 2010

My Audience Research

To find out what my target audience want from a chart music magazine, I carried out a questionnaire for the puplic to complete. I chose 5 people who I thought would be my target audience and they all gave me back useful information which will help me to produce a succesfull, outstanding music magazine.

Firstly I asked them simply if they would like to see a chart music magazine on the market, most of them gave back positive feedback saying "Yes it would be great to have a chart music magazine on the market as there is not one already". But one person stated that they would not purchase a chart music magazine, as there is other ways to find out the hottest tracks such the television, radio and internet therefore she didnt feel it was necesscary that she would have to buy a chart music magazine to find what the new releseases. I did take this feedback into consideration as it was true but in some aspects thats was her opinion, whereas she might rather find out the lastest tracks on the tele, other people might rather buy a magazine about the lastest tracks and read more into the new songs. Also it shows that the majority of people wanted a chart music magazine and that it was just one persons opionion therefore I still believe that a chart magazine will be successful.

I then questioned them saying what other music magazines do you already puchase or have purchased before. I asked this question to find out what my target audience already purchase for their music magazine, so I could also find out who my competitors were and what I can do to compete with them. Two of the people I asked said they purchase NME as their music magazine which is a very successful, well known music magazine and will be my biggest competitor. One person said they puchase Kerrang which is not really a big competior as there genre of music is very different to chart music. But there was two people that said that they dont purchase any music magazine but thats not to say they wont purchase mine if its up to perfessional standard.

Next I asked them what price are they willing to pay to purchase the magazine. This was to make sure I didnt over price my magazine putting it out of people budget range or under price it so that I wasnt making any profit and the price making it look like the magazine it bad quatlity, cheap and useless. Most of the majority of people would be willing to pay from £1.50 to £3.50 for the music, depending on the quality of it.
Pricing is a very important part of creating a publiching a magazine, and its an aspect I would have to think very carefully about before deciding.

I then asked them would they like a free gift to be included with the magazine and all of there repsonses was that they would like that. Therefore this has shown me that creating a magazine with a free gift inside will make my target audience more likely to purchase the magazine.

I asked them how often they would want the magazine to be relseased, weekly, forenightly or monthly. There reponses was one person wanted weekly, 3 people wanted forenightly and then one person wanted monthly. The reason why the majority of the people wanted it to be forenighly is because thats a reasonable amount of time for the chart hits to be changed etc. Therefore I am highly considering publishing it every forenight.

Lastly I asked them would they like there to be interviews with succsessul artists and information about them, and I got back postive responses as most of them wanted there to be a section in the magazine with interviews so therefore I think I will include this in my magazine as there was a high percentage of the people I asked wanting it.

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