Friday 17 December 2010

NME Contents analysis.

Reader Profile.
NME's target audiences are mostly male at the age around 23. The readers are known to be people who enjoy live and active music, particularly single tracks and is also a music completist. NME's target audience are also known to mostly be people in full time work and students, such as teenagers and young adults due to the research that NME have carried out and you can tell by the way that their magazines are layout and the language used, so this also attracts the right target audience. The NME's audience also have a high interest and enthusiasm for live gigs where this is highlighted in most of the magazines that MNE produce such as festivals like Reading and Glastonbury and other sponsored tours around the country.

Style/Layout/Mode Of Address.
The codes and conventions that you mostly are expected on the front cover of NME magazine is that it is presented in tabloid A3 format, printed in colour ink not like a newspaper. Also the single image with minimal text is what you are expected to see on the front cover of the magazine, as this is the norm of how a magazine should be laid out or sometimes with a band on the front cover instead of just one artist. There is also a section on the front cover where it promotes a free classic poster to the readers which attracts the audience to purchase the magazine as they are believed to be getting something free out of buying the magazine. Featured artists, articles and information on gigs etc are the found the whole way through the magazine, where it is also laid out in sections suited for the artist etc and presented professional and neat. So therefore it is easy to read and look at, other than if loads of information and pictures where crammed onto one page, unlike children magazines. There is also adverts throughout the magazine, that will all attract the NME;'s target audience for example, HMV adverts, Alcohol adverts and Gigs that are coming up adverts etc. The age profile is also located in the publications mode of address and language used, illustrated on the cover and throughout the magazine. Use of slang and sometimes expletive are evident throughout the pages and genre-specific terminology.

The NME is associated with less mainstream pop music and is a valuable promotional tool for independent labels and artists. It is an attractive publication for the music enthusiast who listens to contemporary music, attends gigs and festivals and wishes to keep up to date with successful bands and new and unsigned acts.

The whole magazine itself sends of a vibe of passion and love for music throughout the magazine by illstrating how beautiful and unquie every song can be in every genre. The creaters of MNE have also designed the magazine to be attractive as they have realised this is the key concept of a successful magazine, while also thinking about how interesting and informative the magazine itself has to be, and as a reader and my opioion I believe its a good successful and well presented magazine.

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